In the upcoming provincial elections set for October 21, Saskatchewan voters will also have a chance to answer Yes or No to three questions.

  1. Should the government work towards a balanced budget;
  2. Should constitutional changes be settled by a referendum;

And the following question:

  1. Abortions are performed in some Saskatchewan hospitals.  Should the government of Saskatchewan pay for abortion procedures?

The results are not binding on the incoming government.


The NDP declares the plebiscite is nothing but an election ploy.

If it is, it certainly draws the attention of Saskatchewan voters to the huge difference in viewpoint towards the killing of the unborn between PC and NDP.

Put simply, the NDP regards the killing of her pre-born children a woman’s right, the Saskatchewan PC doesn’t.

Saskatoon resident Dale Hassett, a Chartered Accountant has published a copiously documented booklet comparing the position of the two parties on a variety of issues.  He has used party resolutions, public statements and quotes from Hansard.

Appendices II and III, include PC Premier Grant Devine’s pro-life statements and the federal NDP’s pro-abortion declarations.  Pages 2 and 3 compare resolutions issued by the provincial parties.  The Interim reprints them here.

New Democratic Party Resolutions

  • Be it resolved that abortion be controlled by the same laws and regulations, procedures and ethics as are all other surgical operations.  (Passed, annual NDP convention, 1982).
  • Be it resolved that the NDP lobby to remove abortion from the Criminal Code and set up decentralized public owned, safe therapeutic abortion centers, so that every child in Saskatchewan is a wanted child (Passed, annual NDP convention, 1984).
  • BE it resolved that the 1985 Saskatchewan New Democratic Party convention call upon the governments of Ontario and Manitoba immediately to drop all charges against Dr. Henry Morgentaler and his associates (Passed, convention 1985).
  • Be it resolved the New Democratic Party reaffirm its support for personal freedom of choice in medical matters that should not become a matter of public legal display.

Therefore, be it resolved that women have access to family planning services and therapeutic abortion services in hospitals.

Therefore, be it further resolved we strongly reaffirm our support for the right of confidentiality in all matters solely between physicians and their patients (Passed, annual NDP convention, 1989).

The NDP also passed resolutions favouring government funded and government controlled day-care; the taxing of churches and church property (1990); special rights for homosexuals and the removal of politically incorrect judges (1990); and the promotion of free contraceptives as well as contraceptives education in schools (1970, 1975, 1990).

Progressive Conservative resolutions

  • Therefore be it resolved that funding of abortion and to such organizations be discontinued (Passed, annual PC convention, 1981).
  • Therefore be it resolved that this convention go on record as urging governments to adopt policies and take action supportive of the family and to do whatever possible at the provincial level to restore full protection of the unborn.  (Passed, annual PC convention, 1981)
  • Whereas the organization of International Planned Parenthood Federation promotes abortion on demand.

And whereas International Planned Parenthood violates the concept of parental consent.

And whereas other groups and professionals can provide contraceptive information.

Be it resolved that no government funds be provided to Planned Parenthood (Passed, annual PC convention, 1983).

Note: The PC government first reduced grants to Planned Parenthood.  Then from 1987 onwards, it stopped them altogether.  For a few years the government also gave some grants to pro-life organizations.

  • Whereas respect for life is basic to a few society.

Be it resolved that the government of Saskatchewan be commended for establishing a therapeutic abortion committee to review and monitor legal abortions in Saskatchewan; and that the government of Saskatchewan take whatever steps it can to protect the lives of unborn children (Passed, annual PC convention, 1984).

  • Be it resolved that the government affirm the need for the protection of the lives of the unborn children (Passed, annual PC convention, 1985).

On the question of abortion ‘clinics’ the two parties compare as follows:

“The (NDP) Party believes that the costs of abortions should be covered by the province’s Medicare program.”  NDP Leader Roy Romanow, The Leader Post, Regina, February 18, 1988.

“There will be no freestanding abortion clinics in Saskatchewan,” Health Minister George McLeod declared Friday…

…The minister said he vetoed the doctor’s decision to allow abortions outside hospitals because the government has a social responsibility on the divisive issue.”  “McLeod vetoes abortion clinics,” The Star Phoenix, Saskatoon, June 8, 1990.

Attitude of Catholic Church

The Catholic Church regards a pro0abortion position as disqualifying the candidate for office.

In a March 1977 Pastoral Letter of Saskatoon Bishop James Mahoney, states:

“Those who defend abortion whether legalized or not, or who refuse to make a clear commitment to defend the rights of the unborn of the aged and the ill, or who in other ways promote the corruption of family life, disqualify themselves from public office, no matter what their other qualifications may be…”