LifeSite News

A Toronto-area abortionist has been fined $64,200 for tax evasion. On Aug. 13, Joseph S.K. Lee pleaded guilty in the Ontario Court of Justice to one count of evading federal income taxes. Lee failed to report $303,000 in income on his income tax returns for the years 1997, 1998 and 1999. The discrepancy was discovered when Revenue Canada investigators compared Lee’s OHIP billings with income reported on his tax returns.

Lee also overstated his expenses by $31,000 for the same period. By underreporting his income and overstating his expenses, Lee evaded $85,611 in federal income taxes. In addition to the $64,200 fine, Lee must pay the outstanding taxes plus interest.

Interestingly, both a Canada Customs and Revenue Agency press release and the North York Mirror newspaper, which reported the news, failed to mention that Lee is an abortionist. Instead, they called him only a “gynecologist.”