“We are incensed at what we can only interpret as a blatant attempt on the part of the Attorney General to prejudice the outcome of proceedings against Henry Morgentaler and his associates,” states Pat Soenen, President of the League for Life of Manitoba, in a press release dated December 9th. She also called for the immediate replacement of Roland Penner as Attorney General of Manitoba.

In what appears to have been a unilateral move, Mr. Penner dropped the charge of conspiracy to procure an abortion, which had been laid against the Morgentaler doctors and staff, and decided instead to proceed with the substantive charge of procurement of abortion. This he did, by his own admission, in order to permit the accused to use the defense of “medical necessity.” Readers will recall that it is on the grounds that Morgentaler was acquitted in Quebec.

Alliance for Life’s executive director, Anna Deselects, pointed out in a press release of the same date, “It is not the function of the Attorney General to accommodate or facilitate the defense of any person who breaks the law. His role, rather, is to uphold the law.”

In view of Mr. Penne’s action which will permit the emotionally-laden plea of “necessity,” pro-life people across Canada have been writing to Manitoba Premier Howard Pawley expressing their outrage that his attorney general has interfered with due process of law in an apparent attempt to uphold his own personal pro-abortion bias? Letters have been, and are being sent to the Premier since the Attorney General has been quoted as saying he “doesn’t care” what anti-abortionists think. Perhaps Mr. Pawley would like to be educated on this matter. His address is:

Hon. Howard Pawley

Premier of Manitoba

Manitoba Legislative Bldgs.

450 Broadway

Winnipeg, Manitoba

R3C 0V8