A recent decision by the Alberta College of Physicians and Surgeons to allow Henry Morgentaler to establish an abortuary in Alberta has been met by outrage and opposition from pro-life groups in the province.

Campaign Life Coalition President Lorraine Stark was especially critical of the College’s decision, noting that she had presented well-documented information about Morgentaler’s “questionable medical practices” to the College a day before it reached its decision.

“Obviously they didn’t even look into this information,” Ms. Stark told The Interim, adding, “It’s impossible to do a thorough investigation and follow-up in 24 hours.


Pro-abortion activists had been pressuring the Alberta government for months to allow the establishment of an abortuary in the province, and Morgentaler himself had vowed publicly to set one up with or without permission from the College.

While various media reports have indicated Morgentaler intends to set up the ‘clinic’ by March 1991, Ms. Stark says pro-life groups have no definite knowledge of the site of the proposed Edmonton ‘clinic.’

The College of Physicians and Surgeons decision permits the Montreal abortionist to apply for a restricted license which would allow him to perform abortions, as well as teach the procedure.

College registrar, Dr. Larry Olhauser claimed access to abortions is limited because few Alberta physicians are willing to perform the procedure. It was this ‘lack’ of access which was the reason given by the College to allow Morgentaler into the province.

Pressure on women

Chuck Smith, Vice-President of the Edmonton Pro-Life Society, noted that the existence of this ‘clinic’ will put pressure on women to abort because it will be quick and available. Women will be “into the abortion and out before they have had time to think about it,” and will afterwards suffer post-abortion trauma.