The United Nations: The International Right To Life Federation has been granted Observer Status as a Non-Governmental Organization (N.G.O.) by the United National Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

The ECOSOC is very active in forming and implementing population-control programmes throughout the world – particularly in the Third World – through its Population Division and the United Nations’ Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA).

The International Right to Life Federation felt it would be “past due that a voice on behalf of the voiceless people on the receiving ends of these programmes be present and heard when these policies are discussed in future.”

The granting of observer status means that the Federation may “designate authorized representatives to sit as observers at public meetings of the Economic and Social Council, its committees and sessional bodies when matters within the field of its competence are being discussed.”

Dublin – Ireland: The pro-life Amendment to the Irish Constitution in 1983, pledged the state “to defend and vindicate the right to life of the unborn child.”  However, the Irish Society for the Protection of Unborn Children discovered that two counseling centers in Dublin were referring Irish women to abortion centers in England.

It has been estimated that 2,000 Irish babies are taken through this network to their deaths each year.  Six women undertook the task of uncovering the network by which women from Ireland were helped to go to England and directed to abortuaries there.

Basing its case on the information obtained by the six women, the Irish Society for the Protection of the Unborn Children went to court, claiming that the counseling agencies were breaking the law.  The judge agreed that the two centre were indeed acting unlawfully, and issued an order prohibiting the continuation of abortion referrals.  His judgment read:

“The qualified right to privacy, the rights of association and freedom of expression and the right to disseminate information cannot be invoked to interfere with such a fundamental right as the right to life of the unborn, which is acknowledged in the Irish Constitution.”

Oslo – Norway: A young father, Robert Hertcz, went to court to prevent the mother of his unborn child from obtaining an abortion, and was told that fathers have no rights to receive information about their pre-born babies, and no rights to prevent their unborn babies from being killed.

He is read to take his case as far as the European Court of Human Rights.  His claim is that the hospital which killed his child contravened the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

Spain: In 1985, the Spanish Socialist Government passed a very liberal law legalizing abortion.  Their subsequent actions show that they expected, and hoped for, a rapid rise in the number of abortions.  They were disappointed; in the first year after legalization there were 200.  Moreover, the Socialist government of Felipe Gonzales is unhappy with the Spanish Medical Association, most of whose members will not, in conscience, perform abortions.

To drum up trade for abortionists who do exist, the government has abolished “evaluating committees” and authorized private clinics to perform abortions for “social reasons.”  It remains to be seen how “successful” these measures will be.

Italy: An Italian medical student took a different course in an attempt to save the life of his unborn child.  This unnamed Italian went straight into the abortuary where the mother was about to undergo the abortion procedure.  There, he fired a revolver into the ceiling, causing no little consternation – not to say confusion.  The abortion team did not need a Lady Macbeth to say, “Stand not on the order of your going” – they went.  The baby’s life was saved.

The judge decided that the young father had acted for moral reasons and acquitted him.

Milan – Italy: A hospital just outside Milan schedules its abortions for Tuesdays, and the priest of the nearby church marks the hours for abortions by tolling the bells.  Not surprisingly, the abortionists were annoyed by the sound of the tolling, and they sued the priest – using the law restricting noise levels as the basis of their case.

The judge, however, decided that the priest has a right to ring the church bells when and how he wishes.  Each Tuesday the bell tolls to remind all who hear it (including the abortionists) that human lives are being destroyed, quite deliberately, in the local hospital.