LifeSite News

A controversial pro-choice group, whose members once attacked and vandalized a pro-life display, is now officially calling for violence to shut down countering opinions. The University of British Columbia’s “Students for Choice” has stated on their new web site in an “Activists Guide – Strategy” section that: “Civil disobedience is an option you may choose as well. You can set up large screens around the (pro-life) display so passer-by does not necessarily have to see it. You might also try draping the display itself with a cloth in order to cover it. Circle the display and link arms. Refuse to move. Another option is vandalism. Spray paint, scissors, etc., might come in handy. Or you could take it down. If you choose this option, DO NOT DO IT ALONE OR IN A SMALL GROUP. Make it a mass action or do not do it at all. In a group of 50 or more, calmly approach the display, and one by one take a piece of it down. Carry the posters (face down, so that others will not be subjected to them) leaflets, etc. to the campus RCMP detachment and present it to them as hate literature.”

Ted Gerk of the Pro-Life Resource Centre commented, “It is obvious that this so-called pro-choice group holds the democratic process in such disdain that they will resort to violence in order to silence their opponents. It is time for police and university officials to ban these terrorist-wannabees from campus.”

Campaign Life Coalition B.C. has launched an official complaint with Crown counsel to investigate the web site and the call for violence.

The pro-abortion campus group is no stranger to using violence. In November of 1999, the University of British Columbia AMS Lifeline Club conducted an administration-approved pro-life display on campus. This display was violently attacked by three pro-choice students – well-known members of the Students for Choice club. Tables were overturned, display materials ripped to shreds, and some printed material was even taken by these three students. This event was captured on video tape.

Subsequent to RCMP and university security investigation, the Crown determined that no charges would be pursued. The students were disciplined with a short suspension from the university. The Lifeline students, while disconcerted, accepted with disappointment the decision of the Crown. In the formal complaint to the Crown Counsel, CLC B.C. president John Hof said, “Imagine the dismay and shock these students felt when they discovered recently on the Students for Choice website, that the group is now advising it’s followers to repeat, and in fact increase, the level of violence directed towards Lifeline.”