Toronto Cardinal Aloysius Ambrozic won the hearts of pro-lifers Sept. 19 with his homily at the annual Red Mass.

The Red Mass dinner, held after the Mass, featured pro-abortion Progressive Conservative leader Joe Clark as keynote speaker. Clark attended the Mass and, from his front row vantage point, was a clear and obvious target of one of the Cardinal’s remarks. The Cardinal declined to attend the dinner.

Speaking of “the suffering of the babies who are being aborted,” the Cardinal said, “Somehow the people who are pro-abortion … think that somehow they don’t feel the horrible pain that accompanies every death. I don’t know one piece of living flesh that doesn’t feel the pain when life is being gouged out of it.”

Campaign Life Coalition protested the Red Mass dinner. About 10 activists held signs that included one depicting an aborted child, with lettering that read: “This is the choice that Joe Clark supports.”

CLC Youth executive director Gillian Long told The Interim that Clark acknowledged the protestors and for some reason, thanked them for being there.