Paul Tuns:
The National March for Life in Ottawa on May 8 will call for “Protection at Conception” as the official theme of the event Campaign Life Coalition announced during a Feb. 6 video release by CLC.
“In the past, our themes have always been biblically based,” said CLC Youth Coordinator Maeve Gainey. “They’ve corresponded to some Scripture.” Gainey explained that, “This connection between ‘protection at conception,’ which is rooted in Scripture, is from Matthew 13:31-32, that reads, ‘The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed … It is the smallest of all seeds, yet when fully grown, is the largest of all plants’.” Gainey added, “Similar to a mustard seed, zygotes and embryos are seemingly insignificant, but their humanity is unwavering and despite their size, they are invaluable as they were created in the image and likeness of God.”
Gainey said the analogy can also be applied to pro-life advocates who may feel that their work is insignificant or ineffective. “Our efforts are often seen as small and insignificant in the grand scheme of things,” she said. “But the reality is that even actions that are small and seemingly insignificant often contribute to the larger plan that God has for us to work and build up the Kingdom of Heaven.”
CLC’s website explains the importance of the theme, noting that every person has been a vulnerable zygote, embryo, and fetus. “Human rights begin when human life begins, and human life begins at conception,” it declares. Josie Luetke, CLC director of education and advocacy, said, “There is a scientific consensus” that life begins at conception, with CLC’s website noting a survey of 5000 biologists who found 96 per cent agree that life begins at fertilization/conception.
The CLC website says, “Unfortunately, Canada has instead arbitrarily and unscientifically chosen to provide human beings’ protection only after birth (and even then, this protection is patchwork, as infanticide and euthanasia are sometimes permitted),” the website continues.
This year’s March for the Life will be Canada’s 28th annual march.