The February 2005 issue of Consumer Reports focuses on birth control methods. In addition to grading the effectiveness of condoms, the report also addresses the birth control pill. However, in mentioning how the pill works, the consumer advocacy organization fails to mention the abortifacient effects of the pill.

“Every pharmacist in America should know how the birth control pill can prevent a newly created human being from implanting in his mother’s womb,” said American Life League president Judie Brown. “So why has Consumer Reports refused to share that fact with women seeking objective information about birth control?”

Since full information on how birth control pills work is posted on patient information sheets and in such sources as the Physician’s Desk Reference, it is a known fact that the birth control pill can work in one of three ways. The pill is designed to prevent ovulation, cause the mucus in the cervix to change so that sperm cannot enter, or change the lining of the uterus so that if the first two actions fail, and the woman does become pregnant, the tiny human will die before he or she can actually attach to the lining of the uterus.

“If this organization is serious about presenting fair, balanced, unbiased information about this ‘product,’ it needs to include the most important fact about this drug: the birth control pill can and will kill preborn babies,” said Brown.

American Life League has called upon Consumer Reports to issue a correction and tell the full story about the deadly nature of the pill. “We also encourage all concerned citizens to write to Consumer Reports and express their concerns about the exclusion of such important information from the report.”

This article originally appeared on, Jan. 5.