(Counter-witness is a column of record for those who have eyes and never see, ears and never hear.  (Ezek. 12:2) Perhaps some day they will see and hear.)

Family Violence

London, ON – The pastoral Study Days of the Roman Catholic Diocese of London (to be held October 13-15, 1992) will focus on Family Violence.

Fr. Tony Daniels, chairman of the organizing committee, has announced the Honorable Marion Boyd, MPP for London Centre and currently Ontario Social Services Minister. The Minister, 46, used to be executive director of the Battered Women’s Advocacy Clinic in London.

Boyd publicly supports her government’s outspoken “pro-choice” policy, i.e., a woman’s “right” to kill her unborn baby.  This policy is the most deadly form of family violence imaginable.  She calls it “a position that we believe is in the best interests of all Ontario citizens.”

Trustees vote for dissent

Toronto, ON – On April 9, 1992, trustees on the administrative Services Committee of Toronto’s Metro Separate School Board voted on a resolution requesting that a permit granted the Coalition of Concerned Canadian Catholics (CCCC) to hold their annual meeting on School Board property be cancelled.

The reason for the requested cancellation was the CCCC’s public opposition to the teaching of the Catholic Church on contraception, sterilization, homosexuality, abortion and other marital-moral issues.

The cancellation vote was lost 6 to 1.  In favor of the cancellation: Trustee Michael Doyle.  In favor of the CCCC: Trustees D. Marquis; Father T. Day; A. Potts; J. Martino; F. DiCosola; E. De Monte.

Toronto Separate School supporters, please clip this note and keep for the school elections in 1994.