A group of U.S. physicians has joined Catholic and Evangelical Protestant churches in condemning President Bill Clinton’s veto of a Congressional bad on the partial-birth abortion procedure.

A group called Physicians’ Ad Hoc Coalition for Truth (PHACT) began a print and TV advertising campaign in mid-September to educate Congress and the public about partial-birth abortion.

In the meantime, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 285-137 to override the presidential veto.  It will now go back to the Senate, but the override is not expected to prevail.

PHACT represents more than 300 physicians, most of whom are obstetricians gynecologist and pediatricians.  The advertising campaign was iniated, the group said. “To counter false and spurious claims, mostly arising from sources outside the mainstream medical community, that partial-birth abortion is medically indicated in certain circumatances.  Despite a lack of a medical basis, such claims continue to be made by supporters of the procedure.”

PHACT members said it is time to offset misleading statements about partial-birth abortion.  “As physicians, we can no longer stand by while abortion advocates, the President of the United States and the media continue to repeat false claims to the members of Congress, the public, but medically necessary to protect a mother’s health or her future fertility.  We urge you to tell your representatives to stop this unnecessary and dangerous procedure.”

The PHACT appeal puts additional pressure on President Clinton for his action on partial-birth abortion.  Pro-life groups have noted that the pro-abortion element in the U.S.