Campagne Quebec-Vie President Gilles Grondin would not rate 1993 as one of his most successful campaigns. However, he has learned a lot and more importantly, has managed to keep Quebec’s pro-life political lobby alive.

Despite many hurdles which his organization faces, Grondin is convinced that there is hope for the future. “People will come to realize that Quebec’s survival as a French-speaking province is endangered more by its low birthrate than from any other cultural threat,” says Grondin.

“Being pro-life and a proud Quebecois should go hand-in-hand,” he maintains, pointing to the fact that the francophone population has been limited by the 600,000 abortions performed in Quebec since the practice was legalized in 1969.

To further illustrate his point, he cites a recent study in a Montreal newspaper which showed that if the present birthrate continues, Montreal will be a majority English-speaking city by the year 2000.

“Politicians are aware of the problem but they do not address it,” claims Grondin, who has met with three Bloc Quebecois MPs recently and plans to meet with more. “I keep asking them who they think will benefit if Quebec separates. The bulk of French speakers will have disappeared by then.”

Not only has Grondin had to contend with the hostile politicians and media, most of whom are in the pro-abortion cap, but this year he faced trouble from within. CQV set up a fundraising project with a printing company which included the mailing of memo pads to their supporters.

However, the deal went sour when the printing company used CGV’s mailing list and sent a letter, using Grondin’s forged signature, asking supporters to pay for the memo pads. The money received from this fraudulent letter was directed to a non-CQV postal box. In the end, the organization never saw any money and Grondin was presented with the task of saving the CQV’s reputation.

At the moment, Grondin has a lawyer looking into all possible legal avenues. The matter remains under investigation.

His main aim now is to put the problems behind him and concentrate on solidifying the organization. In the May issue of the monthly newspaper Vitalite, Grondin deals openly with the problems. He says that because of this forthright approach, CQV has retained the support of its 25,000 members.

Now he looks towards the future of Quebec, its place in Canada and the province’s high abortion rate. He quotes Deuteronomy to illustrate why he believes the two issues are so connected: “If you obey the law of God, you will keep the land.” This, he feels, applies as much to the modern-day Quebecois as it did to the Israelites. Closer attention to God’s laws will provide solutions to many of the larger issues.

He feels optimistic that the Quebec question can be resolved in other ways than separation. “People of good will must come together to prevent further deterioration of the present climate.” He senses that as soon as French-speaking Canadians realize this, he and Campagne Quebec-Vie can begin to make some real headway.