George Grant has had his life threatened. He wears a bullet-proof vest whenever he is in
public. He tells the truth and the truth hurts.
Mr. Grant does not mince words as he pins the blame for destroyed lives on the number one promoter of abortion and birth control in the world, Planned Parenthood.
One would expect that his book Grand Illusions, The Legacy of Planned Parenthood would stir public interest in this infamous ‘organization. “Yet the only response so far has been deafening silence,” Mr. Grant says.
George Grant was in Vancouver on April 5, for the first-ever presentation of his book in Canada. Over 200 people from Washington State and British Columbia gathered to hear sound and logical reasons why Planned Parenthood has failed and why the public must be informed of their failure.
Mr. Grant clearly explained that wherever Planned Parenthood has gone with their pro-grams to control teen pregnancy, promiscuity has increased, sexually transmitted disease rates have increased, teen pregnancy has increased, and abortion has increased.
Planned Parenthood’s own literature has admitted failure.
Grand Illusions is copiously footnoted and has 350 pages of primary documentation. Anyone interested in getting at the root of the battle in the pro-life war needs to read this book. It exposes the history, philosophy, programs and agenda of Planned Parenthood and other like-minded organizations.
Those wishing to learn more can write to Coral Ridge Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Ft. Lau-derdale, Florida, 33302.