The young man, in his twenties, rushed down the Toronto abortuary laneway urging the young woman with him to “hurry or we’ll be late.” Standing within view, Robert, a counsellor at Aid to Women, caught up with them. “We run a care center and if you’re thinking about having an abortion, we can help you.” For an instant they paused, so he handed them a pamphlet.

By now he had established eye contact with the young woman, Karen, who seemed responsive. Kindly, he said, “You know you’re not going to have an abortion and live happily ever after.” After this comment, the couple stopped, so he told them about early fetal development and the humanity of their unborn child. They listened intently and Robert kept talking.

A half-hour later, after missing their abortuary appointment, they agreed to visit Aid to Women where Joanne and Robert showed them the video “After the Choice.” Rod, the young man, seemed dejected during the viewing, but Karen “hung on every word.”

Two hours later, surprised at this new information and encouraged by offers of help, they left – but without making a commitment.

Eight months later, the same couple dropped in to Aid to Women to introduce their two-month-old son. “Rod couldn’t thank me enough,” recalls Robert, “he almost shook my hand off.” Karen had brought along outgrown baby clothes and told how thrilled her mother was with the baby, “always asking us to come over and bring the baby.”

Amazing, marathon counselling sometimes works miracles!