Ottawa lawyer Terese Ferri will provide a welcome counterpoint to the pro-abortion, radical feminist stand of Maureen McTeer in this federal election.  Mrs. Ferri has been acclaimed as the Christian Heritage Party candidate in the East-Ottawa riding of Carleton-Gloucester.

Ms. McTeer won the Conservative nomination in the riding in May despite a superb effort by pro-life candidate Dr. Andre Lafrance to defeat her.

A graduate of Queen’s University Faculty of Law, Mrs. Ferri, 33, maintains a private law practice in the riding.  She is the wife of Major Michael Ferri, M.D., a physician specializing in psychiatry.  In the past, Dr. and Mrs. Ferri have given several excellent pro-life presentations on the legal and medical aspects of abortion and other life issues.

As the mother of eight young children, Mrs. Ferri is a strong believer in the family as the basic unit in society.  She is experienced in the drafting of legislation, and was a consultant to Senator Stanley Haidasz, during the presentation of the Senator’s pro-life bill in the Senate.

Terese Ferri’s pro-life feminist approach, combined with her roles of wife, mother and practicing lawyer, should provide an interesting parallel to Ms. McTeer, who espouses the same vocation and avocations from a radically different point of view.


If elected, will you support measures to introduce and pass a law to protect every unborn child from the time of conception?

YES _______________________                      NO ___________________________

If NO, what is your position on abortion legislation?

Federal Riding _____________________       Party ___________________________

Date: __________________    Candidate’s

Signature: ___________________________________