Having learned that a portion of the money paid to provincial hospitalization insurance programmes goes to subsidize abortions, the conscientious objector has three options: ignore the matter; send in all of the premium but the percentage that goes to abortionists; or drop out entirely.

The first is simply a turning away from responsibility; the second will lead to a lot of fuss and feathers and little, if any, satisfaction; the third leaves one exposed, but it has its effect.

The third choice recently provoked the following response in Ontario. Ms Hazel D’Rozario, Manager, Special Services Unit, Ontario Health Insurance Plan stated:

“I appreciate your concern on this very sensitive issue. The provision for therapeutic abortions in Canada is governed by the Criminal Code, a federal statute which has been passed by Parliament in Ottawa. Regardless of personal views we are bound to obey this law until it is changed by our Federal Parliament, and acknowledge the right of all fellow citizens to be guided by it. For that reason, those who elect to have an abortion within the terms set out in the Criminal Code are entitled to claim coverage for it from OHIP.”

Ms. D’Rozario noted that the coverage had been cancelled as requested and “most earnestly” recommended that coverage be  reinstated immediately.

It may not seem like you’re doing much, and it may leave you feeling vulnerable, especially if you have a large family. But, you are certain that, if you don’t give in your money, it won’t be used to subsidize anyone’s abortion. And, when a lot of people withdraw, it hits them where they notice most. Abortion is big business.