In the spring of the Ontario Public Employees Union (CLCOFL-NUPGE) passes resolution 41 on abortion clinics by vote of 294 to 171 after an intense ½ hour debate.

The resolution follows:

WHEREAS it should be the fundamental right of each woman to choose when and if she will bear, and

WHEREAS present Criminal Code restrictions affect the legality and availability of abortions, and highly organized campaigns are underway to further limit the right to choose, and

WHEREAS two-fifths of the population of Canada live in communities not served by hospitals eligible to perform abortions, and

BE IT RESLOVED that O.P.S.E.U. endorse a woman’s freedom of choice by supporting the right of women to full access to abortion

Be it further to resolve that O.P.S.E.U. demand the removal of abortion from the Criminal Code.

Union members should be the last to have to be reminded that to be unprotected is to be reminded that to be unprotected is to be a slave. Perhaps this is the old phenomenon of: when you are on the bottom it’s nice to have someone to step on.

However not all union members are pro-death as some most articulate letters to the editor of the OPSEU News testify Louise Rossi of Local 629 Sudbury wrote in to say “Abortion is not a contraceptive. Abortions should not be referred to as ‘birth control’ either. It does not control birth, it controls the death of thousands.” Someone might mention that to the Mayor of Toronto (Necronto) the next time they hold a ‘birth control week. Certainly, birth control means the exact opposite, DEATH CONTROL, exactly what German and Bavarian ‘doctors’ perfected from 1928 to 1940 in order to effect with chilling efficiency the ‘final solution’ during the war years. Ms. Rossi also spoke to the argument of “safe and legal” abortions saying that anyone who had seen an abortion quickly realizes that the only person “safe” at an abortion is the abortionist. Pro-death letters in the same chestnuts, the old lies of the ‘unwanted children’ nonsense, and ‘back street abortion’ scare talk, and of course the silliest one of all, ‘equality through control of your own body’ as one of woman’s rights. Perhaps the reason that the solipsistic pro-abortion arguments are always so desire-ridden, so sloppy, so dated and desperate, and based on outright lies, is because their position is completed indefensible.

Doleres Saddler, of Local 455 Belleville, wrote a letter responding to what had been presented be Frances Lanken, a pro-death columnist, in a pervious issue, Saddler discussed six cogent facts about abortion, and went to say, “instead of supporting abortion on demand—which basically has nothing to do with the union’s job of negotiating wages, fringe benefits and working conditions, and of protecting a worker’s rights on the job—why doesn’t the union fight for and enforce legal and contractual rights that will make it possible for women to bring their pregnancies to term with dignity?