WASHINGTON – Douglas R. Scott, president of Life Decisions International (LDI), called on Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada (PPFC) to end its unethical fund-raising practices.

“The PPFC needs to tell people the truth that it has been lying in its fundraising letters.”

Background: in March 1993, Douglas R. Scott sent a letter to corporate supporters of Planned Parenthood stating that they would be added to a boycott list if their support for the abortion advocacy organization did not cease.

Ontario company

One company receiving the letter was Multimedia Design Group of Ottawa, Ontario. The letter was forwarded to PPFC and, in early 1993, included the following handwritten language at the bottom of a fund-raising letter:

As I was about to mail this, one of our corporate sponsors sent me a copy of a letter they had received from “Life Decisions International.” I felt ill when I read it.

I also know that other corporate donors have been approached in this manner.

I have reprinted the letter verbatim (with the corporate name blacked out for confidentiality). It’s something your (sic) should read for yourself. This letter will give you a clear idea of the pressure that is being applied to those who support us.

It’s harassment! And it is not to be tolerated!

Planned Parenthood needs your help today to fight these fanatics. Please respond as soon as possible to my letter. Thank you.

“There are several problems,” Scott said. “First of all, PPFC is still putting the same handwritten, ‘As I was about to mail this’ language at the bottom of the fund-raisers. We have a PPFC fundraising letter dated November 1996 that includes the exact same message. This is dishonest.”

Scott notes that when he pointed out that PPFC was using the letter in a dishonest manner, they started blacking out the date on his letter (a copy of which was sent with the fund-raising letter). The same text has been included with at least seven fund-raising letters since 1993.


Scott also suggests that it is “ludicrous” to believe that a boycott is “harassment” that “is not to be tolerated.” Scott states that he “has a tough time placing economic boycotts in the same category as universally condemned violent acts.” But, Scott claims, “that is exactly the kind of message PPFC is trying to send.

“Boycotts have always been viewed as a peaceful and legitimate way to impact corporate and public policy,” Scott says. “Were Martin Luther King’s actions ‘harassment’? Were the actions of Jesse Jackson against Texaco, etc., “harassment’? they were probably considered so by those who were targeted.” Scott notes that he learned about boycotts through his past involvement with the labor movement.

“The left loves to use the boycott, but they hypocritically cry foul when it is used against those that support them,” Scott said.

Message problem

“Why do I think it is really our message PPFC objects to rather than our method?’

Scott points out that the boycott is aimed at corporations, not individuals. “A corporation can fund any organization it wants to support, but no one would seek to deny those who disagree from exercising their rights, would they?

Moreover, if corporations are so proud of their support, why do they try to hide it? Does PPFC endorse public ignorance in these matters?” Scott asked.

“We also take issue with PPFC whining about this legitimate form of protest when it was their American counterpart that threatened AT&T when the corporation refused to give it more money,” Scott said.

“It may not fit the legal definition of extortion, but it surely fits the moral definition. While misleading their own friends and generating threatening letters to us may advance PPFC’s moneymaking scheme, it is truly dishonest. We suggest they tell the truth and stop being such hypocrites.”

The International Planned Parenthood Federation was the subject of a special supplement in February, 1997 issue of The Interim.