“A precedent-setting victory for the Canadian unborn,” said Campaign Life Coaltion PEI  President Paul Cheverie when the Nova Scotia Supreme Court squashed criminal charges against himself and eight other pro-lifers.

The nine included Cheverie and Kenneth Biso of Prince Edward Island, Ann Marie Tomlins of Borden, Ontario, and Ellen Chesel, Paul Morre, Noreen Moser, Pauline Mullen, Sharon Keddy, and Anne Ashford-Hall, al of Nova Scotia.

In October 1992, they were charged with mischief (a criminal offence) for blocking access to abortionist Henry Morgentaler’s new Halifax clinic.  Found guilty on September 22, 1994, they received criminal records, suspended sentences and a year’s probation.

Cheverie, Biso and Tomlins appealed.  Two-and-a-half years, many dollars, and a dozen court appearances after the incident, the long ordeal is over.  Criminal records were erased for all nine.

Their appeal was not won on a mere technicality, notes Cheverie.

“Our lawyers argued that the charges weren’t properly laid, and the activity of which we were accused did not constitute the criminal offence of mischief.  In the end, both Justice Margaret Stewart and the Crown Attorney agreed.”

Cheverie was quick to praise the fine work done by Graham Webb of Barrie, Ontario, and Chris Carvalho from the Canadian Centre for Law and Justice.

He predicts that this precedent setting decision will have far-reaching benefits for the pro-life movement in Canada.