The month of May has traditionally been a special month for the pro-life movement. Special events are planned across the country for Mother’s Day; May 14 is remembered with sadness as the day 1969 when the abortion law was changed; and, for Roman Catholics, the month of May is marked by special devotion, to Mary, the mother of Christ.

This May, let us remember in our prayers the mothers . . .

. . . who were conned into having abortions,

. . . who had the courage (and sometimes support) to give birth to their babies;

. . . who gave birth, and then gave their babies to other loving parents unable to have natural children of their own;

. . . who have had miscarriages;

. . . who are pregnant and distressed;

. . . who are abandoned or divorced, and lonely;

. . . who are elderly and lonely.

Let us salute the women who stand in for the mothers who cannot be there: the foster mothers, the daycare mothers, the nurses in children’s wards, mothers in group homes, teachers, aunts, sisters and grandmothers.

The message is simple: thanks Mom!