The Church must find a way to enliven and support all who are generously waging the arduous battle in favour of the human person.  In particular:


Those spouses who in their families are generously open to the values of fertility and receptivity;


All women who, against the many inducements to the contrary and in spite of the grave economic and social difficulties they may encounter, in no way allow the children growing within them and whom they have called to life by a procreative act to be destined to death;


All people who consider it unjust and shameful to separate sex from love and love from fidelity, and therefore, refuse to put at the service of male egoism stupid, dominant permissiveness and the distressing type of woman whom many today propose as a model with much clamor and little good sense;


All those socially and politically involved persons who do their utmost without fear or calculation to support the human person, his intangible right to existence and his dignity, thus dissociating themselves from all men and women invested with public responsibilities who dare to defy the living God, the friend of the living, in such a grave matter;


To meet the needs of our time, I hope that the Church will present her perennial teaching on this subject in a document that is as authoritative as possible and characterized by sobriety, calm and evangelical clarity.