The following letter, from the Kenya Catholic Secretariat (Waumini House, Westlands, P.O. Box 48062, Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa), is the one mentioned in the above article.

Dear Friends,

The Catholic Church in Kenya is keenly aware of the pressure to liberalize abortion in this country, and the Bishops are deeply concerned about it.  Recently the public media in press and radio and professional journals have repeatedly highlighted the abortion issue.  Is it to create a climate of awareness and acceptance?

At present, Kenyan practice regrettably permits abortions, limiting it to instances where the mother’s life and/or health (physical and psychic) are endangered.  However some who promote liberalizing it in Africa are trying to get it legitimized as responsibility of health and welfare rather than have it be sanctioned by law. (c.f. “Emerging issues in Commonwealth Abortion Laws 1982”)

We have all seen the heart-breaking results of legalized abortion-on-demand in so many countries.  Here in Kenya there is still a chance to hold back the floodgates.  But we need help in educating and mobilizing the people.  Kenya (population 16 million) has some 4 million Catholics.  Other Kenyan Christians and also non-Christians would also respond if aware of the danger.  Africa has a deep sense of the sacred, of life to be protected, of children as a treasure rather than a threat.  Within the context of these values they must understand that abortion destroys this life, understand that it is more than a “minor surgical technique” or simple solution to a school-girl pregnancy.

As a step in educating people to the basic evil of abortion, the Kenya catholic Secretariat has printed car bumper stickers – “ABORTION IS KILLING A CHILD” – for country-wide distribution.  The initial printing (2000) is small and at Kenya Catholic expense.  However we need more money – rather urgently – for printing additional stickers, both in English and Swahili.  Also for simple literature for mass distribution at parish level throughout the country.

The car sticker, printed locally, costs $0.50 (70p) each.  The Kenya catholic Secretariat contributed the initial $1,000 (₤650) to printing the stickers, and we are soliciting local contributions.  But this is simply inadequate for what is a really urgent need.

Our immediate target is $5,000 (₤3250) needed in the next 6 months.  Then $10,000 (₤6500) in 1984.

We realize this may be too much to ask from a single donor, but we are approaching different individuals and groups.  We ask you for whatever you can give, to protect unborn life.

Make cheques payable to Kenya Catholic Secretarial and send to:

Pro-Life Committee,

Kenya Catholic Secretariat,

P.O. Box 48062,



We close this with confidence in your help.

Yours sincerely,

Rev. Maurice Lwanga



Kenya Catholic Secretariat.