Abortionist Robert Scott opened his own abortuary on Monday, May 25. Both Premier Peterson and the Attorney General promised that charges will be forthcoming.
“We will prosecute under the law,” said Premier Peterson. “ We will use the power of the law not to allow free-standing abortion clinics.” (Star, May 13, 1986)
Plans for the facility were discovered when ads appeared in a Toronto newspaper on May 13, seeking nurses and counselors to help in a “free-standing abortion clinic.”
The official opening of “The Scott Clinic,” Toronto’s second illegal abortion facility, was announced at a press conference on May 25. Abortionist Scott, former collaborator of Henry Morgentaler intends to do 50 abortions a week.
In response to a question, abortionist Scott admitted that the Ontario’s Attorney General Ian Scott could probably close the new Abortuary as well as Morgentaler’s. However, Robert Scott on counting on receiving the same treatment as Morgentaler, i.e. the freedom to commit indictable offences without being charged.
In a later interview with Ian Scott, Toronto City TV reporter Lorne Honickman raised the question why the Attorney General has taken no action against abortionist Nikki Colony, never charged, never acquitted. (Colony now works in the Morgentaler facility.)
The Attorney General replied that the Morgentaler Clinic is before the courts, whereupon the reporter corrected him stating, “No, Henry Morgentaler is before the courts, not the clinic.” Ian Scott, obviously lost for words, paused for five full seconds and finally mumbled something to the effect of, “Well, perhaps there should be an investigation,” and walked away.
Whether the Peterson government is capable of taking effective action remains to be seen. Police charges without bail conditions, prohibiting the continued illegal operation of the Abortuary, are meaningless.
Peterson exposed at expo
Ontario Premier David Peterson cannot escape pro-life pickets, even when he travels outside the province. Arriving in Vancouver to open the Ontario Pavilion at Expo 86 on May 1, Peterson was picketed by a group of Campaign Life B.C. supporters whose large signs told the story.
Peterson went into the Expo site without confronting the picketers. He was told they were waiting for him and was advised to leave through another exit to avoid the picketers, advice he gladly accepted.
Morgentaler clients
Sometimes, just the presence of picketers outside the Harbord Street abortuary is enough to make potential clients review their decision.
The couple in the car with the “Playboy” logo changed their minds in just such a way recently. The father of the unborn child returned a few days later and told picketers that they had decided to have the baby.
The Playboy logo on the hood of his car shows that the abortionists’ claim to provide a service for the “poor and needy” is false.
Priest won’t pay fine
On May 26, Father Ted Colleton pleaded guilty to two charges of trespassing at the Morgentaler Abortuary and told Judge Kelly he would not pay a fine even if it means that he must go to jail. The judge fined him and gave him 90 days to pay.
Father Colleton told the court that his actions outside the illegal Abortuary were akin to that of trying to save a drowning baby from a pool and said he would continue his peaceful protests.
He was arrested on April 8 (see p. 1, May issue of The Interim) after twice chaining the rear gates of the Abortuary and organizing a sit-in on the rear steps to dissuade women from entering.
Father Colleton is a financial director of the Holy Ghost Fathers and member of The Interim editorial board.
Abortion Obscenity
The Ontario Medical Association announced a two-day strike for May 29 and 30. The strike concerned a dispute about extra-billing by doctors who were to withdraw from all hospitals and medical committees except one: the so-called therapeutic abortion committees. Because of this, Physicians for Life encouraged its 600 Ontario members to ignore the strike.
Meanwhile, Ontario Premier David Peterson (Lib., London center) has made good on his year-old election promise to widen the availability of abortion by paying the costs of travel for those who live a long distance from abortion hospitals, such as people in Northern Ontario.
Abortion-seeking people may now charge travel costs and be re-imbursed by OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan). The minister in charge of OHIP is Health Minister Murray Elston (Lib, Huron-Bruce) who in July 1985 ordered regular OHIP payments to Morgentaler for “counseling”.