A new American publication entitled Abortion Malpractice Report, has documented the staggering financial implications of the numerous legal actions filed against the abortion industry in the U.S.  A publication of Legal Action for Women in Pensacola, Florida, the eight-page tabloid newspaper contains a litany of lawsuits filed in bungled abortions, stories of women and families physically and emotionally ruined by abortion, and in-depth analysis of the enormous financial problems now faced by the U.S. abortion industry y because of litigation.

One front-page article is entitled, “How to Sue an Abortionist…It’s Easy and Free,” and the publication provides a toll-free telephone number for counselling and legal referral.

The paper reports that abortion malpractice insurance premiums have risen astronomically, forcing many abortion facilities to close their doors.  Some, however, continue to operate with no insurance at all.


The group insurance policy covering the 300-member facilities of the National Abortion Federation was cancelled when the insurance company became nervous about the rising number of lawsuits filed against abortionists and the spectacular size of the awards, many over one million dollars.

The National Abortion Federation tried to obtain group insurance from other companies, and in desperation even approached Lloyds of London.  Although it is said that the Lloyds Company will insure anything, they refused to insure the abortionists of the National Abortionists Federation.

The abortion federation spent thousands of dollars trying to form their own off-shore insurance company, but after a year, they had failed to raise the millions of dollars of capital needed to insure the hazardous practice of abortion.

For those abortion facilities able to find coverage, the escalating costs have in many cases proven unaffordable.

One Santa Monica women’s clinic was forced to withdraw abortion services after its insurance company refused to renew its policy.  The clinic has paid $15,000 per year in premiums; a similar policy with a different insurance company would have cost the facility $120,000 per year.

Another abortion provider chose to close one abortion facility and curtail abortions at another following the bankruptcy of the insuring company.  The only replacement policies that could be obtained for the two establishments would have cost $90,000 each, compared to the $5,000 per facility paid previously.

Planned Parenthood

However, one f the American’s oldest and largest abortion providers, Planned Parenthood Federation, appears to have escaped the escalating insurance threat.  The federation anticipated the insurance crisis 10 years ago and began to self-insure its 183 affiliates at that time.

The malpractice cases documents by “Abortion Malpractice Report, are graphic and gruesome, outlining gross negligence leading to horrendous physical damage to women. Cases of psychological damage are included as well.  The publication predicts that “the day is not far off when abortion malpractice insurance will be unobtainable at any price.”