Pro-life leaders worldwide are saying “enough is enough” regarding abortion pushes and other radical social engineering agendas being imposed on the world via the United Nations. spoke with pro-life leaders in various countries, all of whom were outraged that the United Nations Human Rights Committee has urged Poland to liberalize abortion laws and implement sex-ed, contraception and gay-rights programs.

The same committee urged Morocco to decriminalize abortion. Moreover, the UNHRC has a history of promoting abortion and acting as an unofficial agent o implementation for the anti-people International Planned Parenthood Federation.

In March of this year, the committee told Colombia that denying abortion in rape cases was an “outrage.” The UNHRC abortion push is longstanding. In July 2000, the committee expressed concern over Ireland’s restrictive abortion legislation, and in July 2001, it urged Guatemala to loosen its abortion law.

Some pro-life leaders are encouraging citizens of countries represented on the UNHRC to engage in local political actions to stop any of these unaccountable nationals from participating in United Nations attempts to force sovereign nations to accept abortion and gay rights.

Until only recently, UN delegates and other representatives have often been able to act and speak with impunity at critical UN meetings, against the wishes of their own people and even without any awareness from most legislators in their nations about what they have been proposing at the UN.

Part of the reason for this extreme independence is that much of what is said and decided at UN meetings is not regularly reported on or critiqued in local media outlets of UN member countries. As well, the general public, and even most elected officials, view the world body and its workings as being far beyond their competence or not related to their local affairs.

Hence, scheming national government leaders, working quietly with non-accountable UN bureaucrats and delegates, have frequently supported or allowed the initiation of world-mandated policies that would never be accepted in their own nations.

Pro-life, pro-family lobbyists at the UN have frustratingly learned that few people outside the UN, with the exception of powerful special interests such as Planned Parenthood, are paying close attention to UN shenanigans. They are also not questioning who should be sent there and what representatives are saying on their nations’ behalves.

Despite the fact that the United States has, since President Bush’s inaugural election, usually been a strong defender of traditional morality, the United States’ representative on the UNHRC, Ruth Wedgewood, did not absent herself from the committee’s attempt to force Poland to legalize abortion. Wedgewood’s action is all the more of concern, since U.S. legislation forbids American funds being used to support organizations that promote abortion. The U.S. provides the lion’s share of funds to the United Nations.

“The Canadian representative on the committee, Max Yalden will also have to answer for his actions,” said Jim Hughes, national president of Campaign Life Coalition. While the Canadian Liberal party leadership is known for its fondness for abortion and gay rights, partisan politics pushed through the United Nations should nonetheless be taboo, he said.

Latin American leaders were surprised to see representatives from their pro-life countries pushing Poland to allow abortion. Panama’s Alfredo Castillero Hoyos, Colombia’s Rafael Rivas Posada and Argentina’s Hipolito Solari-Yrigoyen all sit on the 18-member UN committee.

Most surprising, Malta, one of only six countries in the world that prohibits all abortion, had a representative on the UN committee – Franco Depasquale. UN committees will almost certainly place the tiny, principled European nation on their “hit list” in the near future. No exceptions can be allowed to the New World Order of abortion and other de-population measures.

Lech Kowalewski, a spokesman for the Polish Federation of Pro-life Movements, told that the committee’s action was an “attack on the sovereignty of Poland.” Kowalewski is concerned that the UN report may influence the Polish government to adopt a pro-abortion bill that is under consideration.

The complete list of UNHRC members is: Tunisia, Japan, India, Panama, France, Malta, Benin, Switzerland, Egypt, Mauritius, Colombia, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Finland, Australia, Argentina, the United States, Poland and Canada.

This story originally appeared as a LifeSite Daily News special report on Nov. 10.