Grief group for stillborn
Winnipeg – Social worker Susan Dolinski and nursing director Jackie Phils have formed a “grief group” at Women’s Hospital in Winnipeg to help parents grieving the loss of a newborn baby.
Instead of being told to forget it and try again, bereaved parents are allowed to see the dead infant, hold it, name it, and take home its baby clothes. The group is believed to be the first in Manitoba, following in the footsteps of the Toronto-based Bereaved Families of Ontario. The Winnipeg hospital delivers an average of 3,800 babies a year of which about 40 are stillborn, medically defined as being dead at birth after 20 weeks gestation.
No control over medical ethics
Ottawa – The Medical Research Council of Canada (MRC) finances half of Canada’s biomedical research, spending about $128 million annually; yet, it has no idea what is going on. Dr. Francis Rolleston, MRC’s director of public affairs, acknowledged that “we know the research ethics boards are not always behaving properly.”
(Globe, Nov 13), Dr. Rolleston noted, for example, that the MRC has singled out fetal research as presenting “an opportunity for abuse,” such as creating embryos for research purposes. The MCR plans to issue a new guide to enforce stricter control some time in 1987.
Abortion “crisis”
Calgary – According to a news report in the Calgary Herald (October 24), the acting director of Calgary’s largest abortion unit, Dr. Jeffrey Lipshitz at Foothills Hospital, claims that Calgary abortionists have stopped performing abortions. Reason: they are forbidden to extra-bill or even to charge an extra $75. for a legal-medical letter required by hospital abortion committees. Lipshitz spoke of a “wave of desperation.”
In Edmonton, Planned Parenthood bewailed the fact that eight out of ten abortionists have stopped. Halpenny Crocker, PP executive director described the situation as “horrible.”
Abortionists receive $84.50 from the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan. Henry Morgentaler visited the province recently to urge higher fees.
Prosecution halted again
Quebec – For the second time in two months, the Quebec Justice Minister Herbert Marx, ordered proceedings against illegal abortions halted. This time the beneficiary of the Minister’s action was Dr. Jean-Denis Berubė of Chicoutimi and the Chicoutimi community clinic.
Earlier the Justice Minister ordered proceedings stopped against Dr. Yvan Machabee after pro-life activist Reggie Chartrand had laid a private complaint. Mr. Chartrand has challenged the decision.
Cardinal’s dinner
Toronto – Toronto’s Emmett Cardinal Carter’s annual charity dinner attracted a record 200 people who paid $150. each to attend. The dinner raised $240,000 for Covenant House, home for homeless youth, and Rosalie Hall, which help single, young mothers.
In his address the Cardinal also mentioned the issues of single parenthood and abortion. Outside the hotel about 40 pro-life demonstrators took advantage of the dinner to remind Premier David Peterson and Attorney General Ian Scott to close the illegal abortion mills.
Extra billing continues
Toronto – Ontario’s Health Minister, Murray Elston (Lib. Huron-Bruce) continues to allow extra billing for abortions by refusing to take steps to stop it. Extra billing was outlawed in Ontario in the summer of 1986 but no steps have been taken against abortionists, whether in hospitals or in illegal abortion “clinics.”
On November 12, 1986 the province and the Ontario Medical Association agreed “that anybody who is asking for prepayments for services is doing something that is not appropriate.” (Star, Nov. 13). Abortionists are known to regularly insist on payment in advance.
New abortion causes?
Vancouver-North Bay – A pro-abortion group in Vancouver is comtemplating opening a Morgentaler-style illegal abortuary, according to a spokesperson for the “Concerned Citizens for choice on abortion.” Pro-life spokesperson Betty Green felt that because there are huge abortion mills operating in the hospitals already, no undue attention should be paid to any possible illegal ones.” We should focus on the evil – that it is killing no matter where it happens.
In North Bay, Ontario, meanwhile pro-abortion Dr. Marion Powell, chairman of a government commission examining “access” to abortion, felt the city could be a possible sight for a government run abortion centre. In an interview with the North Bay Nugget, Powell said she might recommend two separate “clinics,” one for Northeastern and one for Northwestern Ontario.
“Family” now outlawed word
London, England – Two of the boroughs which make up the London Metropolitan area have ruled that in future no official communication, by-law or other ruling shall use the term “family.” The reason given is that the word “family” discriminates against homosexuals. In future “family” must be replaced by “household with children.”
First it was the head of the camel in the tent – now the camel has claimed sole occupancy rights.