The Future
“Access to abortions would be easier and quicker under this bill.”
Globe and Mail editorial, November 4.
“We’re baffled by Lewis’ explanation that there could be criminal penalties for both women and doctors who knowingly break the law.”
Toronto Sun editorial, November 4.
“It would restrict auto-mechanics and plumbers from performing an abortion, but otherwise there are no real restrictions at all.”
Margaret Purcell, CBC, November 3.
“You are allowing doctors such as Henry Morgentaler…full time abortionists, to have the final say.”
Paul Dodds, Lawyer, Campaign Life Coalition
“But do we want a law which does not regulate its chief objective (protection for the unborn) and which won’t bring social peace?”
Le Devoir editorial, November 4.
“The government has wholly ducked. The rights of the fetus. This law does not even refer to fetal rights.
Montreal Gazette editorial, November 4.
“This bill criminalizes abortion and then tells us how the crime may be committed.”
Gilles Grondin, Campagne Vie Quebec, La Presse, November 4.