As mentioned in the June Interim, the Toronto Star made unsubstantiated allegations against 85 Harbord Street Witness For Life on April 18.  The Star published the following “clarification” on June 11, headed “Clinic incident treated as mischief:”

“A story in the Star on April 18 about peaceful picketing by anti-abortion groups outside St. Catharines General Hospital contained two paragraphs referring to the picket line outside the Morgentaler clinic in Toronto.

“The article said Morgentaler clinic pickets constantly harassed and berated staff and patients, and that tactics had become more threatening lately.  It said police were investigating a complaint, from a man who does work for the clinic, that the wheel nuts on his vehicle had been loosened.

“Police at 14 Division say the incident is being treated as mischief, and an inspector says it is ‘not routine’ for demonstrators to be troublesome enough to warrant police involvement.”

This article in no way made redress for the false and unsubstantiated allegations made in their April 18 article and although a letter signed by Rod Goodman, Senior Editor, does say, “I apologize for any cause the story had to offend you,” this sentiment appears nowhere in their clarifications.

On Sunday May31, following the Family Life Conference, a silent vigil of about 40 pro-lifers was held in support of Constable David Packer, outside of 14 Division Police Station.  Joe Borowski and other out-of-town visitors attended.

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Ken Campbell’s fight to have set aside the “story” of seven charges of procuring a miscarriage (see June, Interim) finally was silenced by our judicial system.  On June 25 the Supreme Court of Canada decided not to allow an appeal.

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We are urgently looking for work for one of our mothers.  Please contact Annette at Campaign Life if you can help.

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David Butt, our friendly handyman, currently faces five assault charges against the witnesses for life at 85 Harbord.  They had put up with his behavior for far too long.

North York Right to Life held their annual rally outside their local abortion hospital on June 7.  Although the weather was wet there was a good turnout.

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Single mother and child desperately need clean, inexpensive accommodation by August 22.

Young parents with 2-and-a-half-year-old and infant in urgent need of 2-bedroom apartment, by end of July.  Maximum $500 per month.

Please contact Annette at the Campaign Life office if you are able to help.  (416-368-8479)

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This is your page.  We want to make this a national activist page.  Please contribute your Special Actions (with photographs, if possible) to “The Activist,” c/o The Interim, 53 Dundas Street East, Suite 305, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1C6.

Pro-life profiles – John Nunziata (York South-Weston)

(A continuing series of profiles of pro-life Members of Parliament)

John Nunziata, Liberal Member of Parliament for York South-Weston, is the fifth of seven children of Italian immigrant parents.  He holds degrees in Political Science and Law, and is a founding partner in the law firm of Nunziata, Anand, Levy.  He is a bachelor.

First elected to public office in 1978 at the age of 23, Nunziata served two terms as an Alderman in the City of York in Metropolitan Toronto.  He was elected to the House of Commons in the general election of September, 1984.

Two months later he proved his concern for the unborn child in a strongly-worded statement in Parliament condemning the acquittal of Henry Morgentaler and calling on the government to amend the Criminal Code to afford greater protection to the unborn child.  In the statement he said,

“Abortion is wrong, Mr. Speaker.  Human Life is precious.  From the moment of conception, life begins, and absolutely no person has the right to take that life under any circumstances.  It is uncivilized and indecent for a nation to condone murder in whatever form, and in my view, abortion is murder.”

In January of 1986, he again spoke out in defense of the unborn child during debate on a Private Members’ Bill to amend the Criminal Code to restrict abortion to cases where the mother’s life is endangered.  He stated clearly that he did not support the Liberal Party position of agreement with the current legislation.  He urged the Conservative government to allow the abortion issue to be discussed in a Parliamentary Committee, and reminded the House of the written commitment of Prime Minister Mulroney to allow a free vote on abortion.

More recently, Nunziata was the only member of his caucus to speak in favor of the Mitges’ Motion during debate, and one of the only six Liberal Members to vote in favor of it.  At that time he said,

“Why would one distinguish between an unborn and a living person when in the Constitution itself we do not distinguish between black and white?  We do not distinguish between short and tall.  We do not distinguish between an able-bodied human being and a disabled human being.  We say that the Canadian Constitution applies to every person…Why would one distinguish between a living person and a fetus if one concludes that life begins before birth?”

Nunziata feels that pro-lifers must become more politically active, and become involved in politics at the riding level in the selection of candidates.  He also feels that the movement must be more tenacious, and would like to see more lobbying of MPs on a regular basis by constituents.  In his view, truly pro-abortion MPs are a minority, but very vocal.  He intends to introduce a Private Members’ Bill in the near future that would tighten the existing abortion legislation.