At an informal meeting the other day a number of pro-life people were discussing what we could do to stop the daily killing of unborn babies at the Morgentaler abortuary.  The picketing was assessed and some felt that it is not effective enough when weighed against the amount of input by so few dedicated people.  It is estimated that more than one hundred babies have been done to death sine the “clinic” opened – while the police stand guard to protect the criminal inside from possible interference on the part of the “fanatics” outside.  These “fanatics” are the people who are “misguided” enough to believe that a defenceless baby has a right not to be killed by anyone – and certainly not with the silent consent of the government and the people of Ontario.

The Politicians

Some thought that more pressure should be brought to bear on the politicians who had signed – before the election – that they would support government measures to have the existing “clinic” closed.  Now they have been elected but the government’s reply when approached is, “the matter is before the courts and nothing can be done until a decision is reached.”

If Canada were invaded

I wonder if this would be their answer if Canada were invaded by a foreign power and an international court had been set up to decide on the justice or otherwise of the invasion.  Would the government, the army and the police sit around discussing the legality of the situation while the enemy wrought havoc among the people?  Some readers must be old enough to remember the Second World War.  If they were in Britain at the time – as I happened to be – they will recall that the entire Parliament, all political parties and the population were solidly behind the Prime Minister in attempting to prevent the enemy from invading the country.

We are at war

The only difference, in principle, between that War and the present situation in Canada is this.   In the Second World War the enemy was from outside.  In the present Canadian Civil War the enemy is here inside Canada and the victims are the unborn Canadians who cannot defend themselves.

Is this an outlandish comparison?

If this comparison sounds “outlandish,” “fanatical” and/or “stupid,” let’s take a look at some statistics.  In the six years of World War II, 39,000 Canadians were killed by the enemy.  Mathematically speaking, this would mean that, at the same rate, 65,000 Canadians would have been killed in ten years.  But in the ten years between 1969 and 1979, more than one million Canadian babies were killed by abortion.  This is a civil war between the born and the unborn of Canada.  Has that thought ever occurred to you?

Out of sight, out of mind

I think one reason so many people who claim to be against abortion in theory do nothing in practice is that they are not emotionally affected by what they do not see.  For instance, if we only read about the American hostages or the crash of the Indian plane, perhaps we would not be so angry about these terrorist actions.  But the TV screen makes sure that we see the hostages in captivity with guns pointed at their heads, and dead bodies floating in the ocean, and relatives in tears, and we become emotionally and personally involved in the particular tragedy.

Every picture tells a story

The old sayings, “Every picture tells a story,” or “A picture is worth a thousand words,” are very valid in the present situation.  I believe that if every woman who is contemplating aborting her child were to see The Silent Scream, abortions would be considerably lessened.  The sight of a baby being torn apart in its mother’s womb has far more impact than simply hearing or reading about it.  But the fact remains the same – a tortured, battered, abused and murdered human being.

A practical example

I have never witnessed an abortion and I hope I never shall.  I would have to be bound hand and foot and gagged!  But I did get close to one a few days ago.  I paid a visit to the picketers at the abortuary on Harbord Street.  I went around to the back of the “clinic” where the women enter for their abortions.  It was about 4 p.m. and I was chatting to some of the picketers.  The door opened and a little girl who looked about 14 came out accompanied by a very well-groomed lady, who could have been her grandmother.  The girl was smiling and looked happy.  She reminded me of a kid who had received a cabbage patch doll for Christmas.  She got into a small car driven by a younger woman.  Then a large limousine drew into the lane.  The older lady stepped in and was whisked away, followed by the other car.

I asked the picketers if they thought the girl had an abortion.  They said “Why, of course.  She’s been in there for several hours.”  I’m not often rendered speechless, but on this occasion I was.  Of course, I have known for years that abortions are performed even on 14-year-old girls.  But somehow, the sight of this little girl spoke louder than a thousand words.  A young girl, whose life can never be the same; a dead baby and – somewhere out there – a boy “friend.”

I usually sleep rather well – but that night I didn’t.