Many people question the ethics of nurses who are forced, or perhaps opt, to become involved with other medical professionals performing abortions.  Among these, are nurses themselves, who are frightened that by refusing to assist this ghastly procedure they would jeopardize their jobs.

“The destruction of human life is against morals and ethics.”  This is the motto of Nurses for Life – encouraging words at a time in history when many nurses are required to assist in procuring abortions.

Originally set up as a post-abortion counseling service, Co-ordinator Mary-Lynn McPherson tells us that due to an advertising error (the newspaper listed their agency under “abortion hot-line”, girls began to call in requesting pre-abortion counseling.

Nurses For Life counsels, and also refers callers to various local agencies, who then assist the expectant mothers to cope with their pregnancy.  This includes attending to the financial concerns of each individual woman.  Because they are specifically a pro-life agency, they do not provide abortion referral.

Apart from counseling pregnant women, Nurses For Life is dedicated to nurses, and their objectives are as follows:

  • To provide up-to-date factual information on human life issues of concern to horses,
  • To encourage and promote a pro-life philosophy among nurses,
  • To promote a renewed ethical awareness among nurses,
  • To act as a support group to assist nurses who may encounter difficulties, or who have been threatened with possible discrimination, or loss of employment by refusing to assist/cooperate with anti-life procedures.

Nurses For Life is concerned with the protection of all human life – the unborn, the  handicapped, and the aged.  It is non-sectarian educational organization of nurses dedicated to the defense of human life from conception to natural death.

Nurses For Life now has a Toronto and Area Chapter.  They began meeting in June of this year.  Their first General Meeting will be held in the Shuter Street auditorium, of St. Michael’s Hospital Annex, on Sunday, October 18, from 2-4 p.m.

Mary-Lynn McPherson, president, Nurses For Life Ottawa, will introduce the programme.  Professor Donald De Marco will give an inspirational talk, to be followed by a film and discussion.  Light refreshments will be served.

The head office for Nurses For Life is located in Ottawa.