Although abortion is a social issue fraught with complications, as a moral issue it is quite clear: “Abortion is against the law of God, against the laws of nature, and against reason,” says the author, a well-known evangelical Protestant lecturer and theologian.
Never shrill, always moderate in tone, Sproul’s argument is straightforward and clearly stated. Since the Christian has a high view of human life (it bears God’s image), he will want to err on the side of caution when it comes to the question of abortion. It is immaterial whether we consider that life potential or actual, or whether we think of it as a person or a blob. It is human life and we had better be extremely careful about why we seek to end it. This is common sense and has been the fundamental doctrine of the healing arts (at least until recently).
Still, there will be those who, Christian or not, decide to abort. Even here there is forgiveness, the author reminds us. Sproul is unwilling to say that abortion is the final “unpardonable sin” from which there is no redemption. For, just at the Bible and law make distinction between different kinds of killing (pre-meditated, “first degree” murder vs. manslaughter, for instance), so too there is a difference in degree between killing the unborn baby and killing the already born, he argues.
In addition, we sometimes forget that God offers forgiveness even for the latter. We have only to remember David’s being forgiven for his pre-meditated, carefully planned murder or Uriah. There is a precondition of course: that there be true contrition for having disobeyed God and given him offense.
Backers of abortion raise a host of questions that confuse this fundamental moral clarity.
One such question is: “You can’t legislate morality.” Of course you can; that’s the whole point of the law, says Sproul. The real question is whose morality is going to be legislated.”
Another is: “The government has no business coming between a woman and her body. This is a private matter.” Not so, says Sproul. Privacy is not an absolute right that takes primacy over all others, especially not over the very basic right to life. What’s more, the government not only has the right but the duty to protect the life.
Abortion is a simply stated, clearly reasoned argument against this crime against God and humanity. It is a book you can give just about anyone who is confused over what should be a clear-cut decision.