We are picketing the hospital in Brooks, Alberta, since March 7, 1988.  This hospital performed one or two abortions per month before the Supreme Court decision.  Since then the number of abortions have increased.  After the nurses strike in Alberta, we had for a time one or two per day.  We also picket abortionists’ homes.

Picketing the abortionist’s home was quite an experience.  The first time we went to his door to tell him that we would picket his house.  A few minutes later the police was on the scene.  After we had explained the situation we continued picketing.  It seems to be much stress on the abortionist and his family.  We pray for his conversion.

Most of the people coming by try to ignore our signs, although there are many that support us and some that show disgust.

Since the schools are very close to the hospital we hope to have an educational influence.