HamiltonA pregnancy youth line began operations here on February 2, 1987 sponsored by the two Children’s Aid Societies, the public and the Catholic one.  The public Children’s Aid Society regularly counsels for abortion.  Because the line is located in CCAS offices, Planned Parenthood director Linda Lorimer questioned how much “information” is passed on.

According to one coordinator, Valerie Rule-Caissie, if a client wants information about abortion, she will be referred to the public health department who can assist her in her choice (Hamilton Spectator, Feb. 2). Thus, she said, the agency is not counseling young women…but providing them with information so that they can make an informed choice of their own.

Her role as coordinator, she said, is “to encourage them to make the choice that is best for them.”

In other words, the Hamilton Catholic Children’s Aid Society has fallen for the free “choice” euphemism and is now engaged in the abortion counseling business, be it one step removed from direct counseling.