The Christian Heritage Party of Canada will hold its fifth National Convention from November 15-18, at the Radisson Hotel in London, Ontario.

Delegates from across Canada will deal with a challenging agenda including policy updates on abortion and euthanasia.  Both issues will be discussed at workshops presided over by special guest speakers Partricia Bainbridge, Executive Director of  Life Decisions (U.S), together with Pastor Brian Robinson, President of Sovereign Grace Fellowship of Baptist Churches, Robinson specializes in application of Christian Doctrine to ethical issues.

The executive Director of the C.H.P., Margaret Purcell stated that she was looking forward to seeing Campaign Life Coalition activists attend the Convention, following a decision by C.L.C., at its 1994 National Strategy Meeting, to encourage as many activists as possible to attend.

Speaking from the National Office in Welland, she said “The C.H.P. is not a single issue Party.  Abortion and Euthansia, by their very nature, leave no room for a single issue mentality.  What matters is the fact that the C.H.P. position on both issues is not open to negation.  This Party will not accept the murder of the child in the womb os the terminally ill under any circumstances whatever.  That means no compromise and no mini referendums or popularity pools.  What other Federal Party can truthfully make that statement?

Jim Hughes, president of Campaign Life Coalition, commended the party.  “Their adherence to Christian principles and their refusal to compromise make them unique among any political movement ever founded in this country.”

A new Party Leader will be elected at the convention.  Former Leader, Jean Blaquiere of Ste. Julie, Quebec, is returning to Church work.

Non-Party members are free to join international observers but will not be eligible to vote at the Convention.  For further information, call Margaret Purcell at the C.H.P. National Office.  Phone 905-788-2238

Fax. 905-788-2943