At 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 5th, 1987, a healthy 6 lb. 10 oz. baby girl was born in one of Toronto’s hospitals.  That this baby made it so far is remarkable.

Late last September the mother had an appointment for an abortion at 85 Harbord.  She was new to Canada and was working as a nanny.  When she discovered that she was pregnant the woman whom she was working for told her she would lose her job unless she had an abortion.  The woman arranged, via her own doctor, the appointment at the abortuary.

The day of the appointment I was sidewalk counseling in the back alley of the abortuary.  Jean (a fictitious name) was driven to the back alley by her employer.  She got out of the car and I approached to offer help.  The employer told her to ignore me and Jean walked past me up to the back door.  I suddenly knelt and started to implore Jean not to kill her baby.  To my surprise Jean turned from the doorway of the abortuary, walked back to me and we left for further assistance.  The baby and mother are both doing well and being taken care of in one of our homes.  (God bless that beautiful family for doing this work of love).  Jean was yet another example of somebody being forced by circumstances and pressures into abortion against her will. This is the case so many times.

The last six to nine months have seen many babies and mothers saved from abortion and I hope to be able to document some of these events in future issues of The Interim.

Pray for abortionists

The fact that emerges from each baby saved is that nobody but God can be given the credit.  The counselors are spending “an hour with Christ.”  They are His mouthpiece, but to Him goes the glory of each baby saved.

Pray for all those associated with the abortion business, “Forgive them, Father!  They don’t know what they are doing” – Luke 23:34.