Joe Borowski has been fighting long and hard for the unborn. He has been petitioning the courts for many years to get them to recognize the humanity of the unborn child unfortunately with little success. He believes firmly though, that the fight is not hopeless; this he made clear in his speech to a large and enthusiastic audience at the recent Life and Family Conference.
Joe was a speaker in the workshop titled “Radicalism and Civil Disobedience.” It has been years since he filed an income tax return, and he has spent many a night in jail. But, he said, so much more effort is needed; “we must go to the extremes to stop abortion…” Borowski spoke highly of jail. “If you’ve got nothing better to do, go to jail. Politicians hate to see old ladies and kind men dragged off to ail.”
The emphasis of Borowski’s speech was spiritual in nature. He repeated on numerous occasions his belief that “through prayer and dedication, we will find the way to justice.”
Father Ted Colleton joined Borowski in leading this workshop. Beneath all the jokes and laughter which are so much a trademark of this man, there was a very serious note. His message was simple: “The laws of God are supreme.” One is allowed to break the laws of man, one is even bound to do so if they are laws that contravene those passed down by God. He used the analogy of a baby being drowned in a pool.
In this instance, no one would think twice of disregarding a “no trespassing” sign, to intervene and save the drowning baby. Why then should we allow Morgentaler to continue killing?