Toronto. Several hundred hard core CARAL pro-abortionists demonstrated in front of the Progressive Conservative headquarters in Toronto on Sunday evening, November 4.
From there they marched past Campaign Life Coalition offices on the third floor of a building nearby. Expressing their train of thought, they smeared the front door with manure.
The Toronto Star gave this rag-tag band full coverage on the front page of its Sunday edition with a photo and a further story on an inside page. It did not mention the manure.
On Monday, Star writer Rosie DiManno did mention their trip to Campaign Life Coalition though not the manure. This is what she wrote:
“After the speeches, the demonstrators wind their way – in an illegal protest march – to the Dundas St. headquarters of their arch-enemy, Campaign Life. A wino puts our his hat but nobody here can spare a dime, apparently.
There is more oratory in front of the darkened offices of Campaign Life. There is hatred and venom here, as if the pro-lifers don’t have the democratic right to assemble and demonstrate and fight against what they see as vile. ‘Racist, sexist, anti-gay!’ chants the crowd. ‘Born-again bigots go away!’”
DiManno caught Dr. Nikki Colodny, another Toronto abortionist, who addressed the pro-abortionists with the question, “But surely having an abortion is not like getting a tooth pulled?” To which Colodny agreed, but maintained that the government is underestimating women who do not have to be “forced” into moral reflection. Colodny said, “Women know that’s not a grapefruit they’re carrying around in there.”
Colodny could have quoted Barbara McDougall in the Mulroney cabinet, who in July 1988 said, “Let’s not be afraid to call it what it is. It’s a baby we’re killing.”