MAP available without prescription in Saskatchewan
New Brunswick Gay activist charged
Supreme Knight blasts ‘Catholic’ Canadian politicians
India’s culture of death
MAP available without prescription
REGINA – Saskatchewan’s NDP government has allowed pharmacists to dispense the abortifacient morning after pill without a doctor’s prescription. Under new regulations, after taking a short course, pharmacists are able to distribute the drugs. “We have 245 out of 358 pharmacies in the province offering this service,” said Ray Joubert, registrar with the Saskatchewan Pharmaceutical Association. The new regulations also allow pharmacists to distribute the MAP to minor girls without parental notification.
Gay activist charged
MONCTON – Art Vautour-Toole, a homosexual attempting to have his “marriage” recognized by the province, was charged with disturbing the peace following an incident at a government agency. He chained himself to a chair at a local Service New Brunswick office to protest the province’s rejection of his married name. He “married” his partner Wayne Toole in the summer and then changed his federal identification. However, New Brunswick doesn’t recognize the “marriage” and won’t make the change on his driver’s licence and medicare card.
Head Knight blasts ‘Catholic’ politicians
NEW HAVEN, Conn. – Writing in the August issue of Columbia magazine, Knights of Columbus president Carl A. Anderson criticized some Canadian Catholic politicians for endorsing so-called same-sex marriage. He said: “This summer, we have seen the spectacle of Catholic officials in Canada endorsing a proposal to legalize so-called ‘marriage’ by homosexual couples.” Prime Minister Jean Chretien, Justice Minister Martin Cauchon and the two leading contenders to take over for the prime minster, Paul Martin and Sheila Copps, all claim to be Catholic and have come out in support of homosexual “marriage.” “Their actions reflect a profound defect in the formation of conscience among a wide segment of Catholic leaders,” said Anderson.
India’s culture of death
DELHI — The Observer reports that an Indian soap opera will tackle the issue of sex selection abortion to raise awareness and with the hope of changing attitudes. Prenatal screening, outlawed in 1994, is still widely used with deadly results for unborn girls. Some estimates say that 90 per cent of the 3.5 million Indian abortions annually are of girls. Furthermore, Brinda Karat, general secretary of the All-India Democratic Women’s Association, warned that the sex ratio in the state of Andhra Pradesh has reached a “danger mark,” with the number of boys vastly outnumbering the number of girls. Karat also criticized the state’s two-child policy.