The fall 2014 40 Days for Life campaign kicked off Sept. 24 in 297 locations in 13 countries, including 15 in Canada, and continues until Nov. 2.
40 Days for Life describes its mission on its website: “to bring together the body of Christ in a spirit of unity during a focused 40 day campaign of prayer, fasting, and peaceful activism, with the purpose of repentance, to seek God’s favor to turn hearts and minds from a culture of death to a culture of life, thus bringing an end to abortion.”
According to the 40 Days for Life more than 625,000 people in a two dozen countries have participated in the prayerful witness since it began in 2006 and it has been responsible for saving at least 8,973 babies from abortion, convinced 101 abortion workers to quit their jobs, and closed 54 abortion facilities.
40 Days for Life co-founder and campaign director Shawn Carney said, “we believe that when God’s people fast with a broken, repentant and contrite spirit, our heavenly Father will hear from heaven and heal our lives, our churches, our communities, our nation, and our world.”
In 2007, Campaign Life Coalition brought 40 Days for Life to Canada with vigils in Ottawa and Halifax. It has grown to where local pro-life groups and individuals have organized 40 Days for Life in more than 20 communities across the country.
In Canada this fall, 15 cities in 6 provinces will hold 40 days of peaceful prayer vigil, fasting and community outreach for an end to abortion. Locations include Moncton, NB; Montreal; Ottawa; Toronto; Mississauga, Ont.; Oakville, Ont.; Kitchener, Ont.; London, Ont.; Leamington, Ont.; Windsor, Ont.; Winnipeg; Calgary; Edmonton; Sechelt, BC; and Victoria.