Canadians For Life, sponsor of Lifeline expects a large turnout in Ottawa when a cross-country relay that started in the west at Prince Rupert, B.C., and in the east from St. John’s, Newfoundland, converges on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Saturday, September 17.
Organizers hops the finale will take place during the forthcoming federal election, thus pressuring all members (and would-be members) of Parliament to ensure that new truly pro-life legislation will be passed in the new Parliament.
As of July 23, over 5,800 people have walked, cycled or wheeled over 44,000 kms. Participants volunteer to walk five or 10 kilometers along the major route of the Trans Canada highway. Afterward, they sign a petition demanding proper legislation to protect the unborn. A Marshall’s car leads groups and individuals as they walk along the highway. Another Marshall’s car follows at the rear.
The relay stops near mid-night and resumes the next day at 7:00 a.m. The relay is being funded by the sale of “Lifeline” T-shirts and donations.
Terrace, B.C., pro-life organizer Isobel Brophy said the purpose of the national walk is to demonstrate to the government that acceptance of abortion is intolerable, inhuman and destructive to the country.
Groups across the country began to plan such an effort following the Supreme Court ruling in January.
“This will go on 24-hours a day, seven days a week as smaller communities feed into larger,” Brophy added.
The cross-country walk to unite pro-lifers is turning into “something wonderful” said national co-ordinator Genevieve Ring in Kamloops, July 6. “This is a way to pressure the government to demonstrate to Canadians that this is a major social issue,” said Ring, surprised but pleased at the rapid success of the relay.
“The people who say they run out country couldn’t even come up with a bill that the Speaker of the House would accept. They run our country all right. They run in into the ground,” stormed Ring at a rally kicking off the Kamloops portion of the walk.
Canadians for Life treasurer Fanny Scholtens – also addressing the crows – promised that by the end of the relay, Ottawa politicians would now that Canadians “are not pleased with aborting a nation.”
Trail, B.C., Right-to-Life spokesman Carol Albo remarked that many of the walkers favoured the pro-life bill proposed by Liberal Senator Stanley Haidasz.
In Castlegar, local organizer June Lepsoe said Canadians for Life hope to present in Ottawa 65,000 dolls donated along the way. These represent the number of Canadian children abortion each year, she explained.
“We’re here to educate this community, province and country that we cannot and will not let the slaughter of unborn children continue,” said Mary Ann McLauchlan, president of Right-to-Life in Revelstoke, B.C. She was speaking at a rally organized to support the cross-country walkers.
Another local resident commented, “Those who do abortions are killers for hire. Why should one go to jail for killing a human being and not them?”
Lifeline has now passed through Calgary and Medicine Hat, Alberta, and through Swift Current, Saskatchewan. It is now on its way through Manitoba.
“Lifeline is grassroots Canadians walking with a purpose – they are serious and they will not go away,” said Genevieve Ring in July 27 letter to all MPs. “They will continue to fight for the right to life of all unborn children.”