On Sunday, Oct. 3, pro-lifers from all denominations across the country will once again participate in the annual international Life Chain. Last year, approximately 18,000 people were involved in Life Chain at hundreds of locations in Canada. Hundreds of housands more also joined in this peaceful demonstration across the United States.

The website for Life Chain defines the mission as “a peaceful and prayerful public witness of pro-life (citizens) standing for one hour praying for our nation and for an end to abortion.” The website goes on to state how Life Chain represents a visual statement of solidarity among pro-lifers and our belief in the sanctity of human life.

The messages used by Life Chain volunteers are simple and straightforward: “Abortion Kills Children,” “Adoption the Loving Option,” “Abortion Hurts Women,” and “Jesus Forgives and Heals.” There are no pictures displayed on the signs.

Passers-by will see two statements. The first, obvious message is on the signs people are holding. The second, more subtle but equally powerful one is the thousands of people silently standing along the streets and intersections for an hour holding up these signs, showing their local communities that they stand behind these statements.

Last year in the Greater Toronto Area, there were approximately 40 intersections where these signs and messages were displayed, touching the hearts and minds of untold tens of thousands of passers-by. This year’s local co-ordinator, Maria Dalgarno, encourages everyone to get involved and help the pro-life movement alert the public to the serious issue of abortion.

“I think (Life Chain) is an essential opportunity to spread the word about the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death and to create public awareness of the danger to the child in the womb in our present-day society,” she told The Interim.

To get involved in this year’s Life Chain, or to find out more information, call your local pro-life group. If you are in Toronto, call Maria Dalgarno at Campaign Life Coalition at (416) 204-9749 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              (416) 204-9749      end_of_the_skype_highlighting.

In September, there will be further details posted at the internet site LifeSite.net.