On Father’s Day, June 17, 1984, Campaign Life Ontario will co-ordinate a series of pickets to demonstrate throughout Ontario outside the hospitals which perform abortions.

Campaign Life recently obtained copies of the abortion statistics for every hospital in Ontario (see pages 8 and 9 of The Interim). These figures cover abortions performed from 1980 to 1982 inclusive. The Statistics clearly show the need for more facilities, such as Morgetaler-style clinics, is non-existent as vast numbers of abortions are already performed annually in Ontario hospitals.

The slogan for the hospital pickets will be “Let Them Live,” a battle cry first heard in front of the Legislature Building in Toronto last October. Campaign Lift will ask its supporters throughout the province to keep a vigil outside the hospitals between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 17, 1984.

Jim Hughes, President of Campaign Life, and Chairman of Campaign Life Ontario says, “We have a strong belief in the pro-life cause, and a strong belief that fathers have a right and indeed a duty to protect all unborn human life, most especially the lives of their unborn children.” With regard to the Father’s Day picket, Mr. Hughes said, “Was it no Christ Himself who asked ‘Could you watch one hour with Me?'”

Anyone interested in joining these province-wide pickets should contact Campaign Life Toronto (416-368-8479), for further information.