A new group committed to the defence of unborn children was established at a recent meeting in the Halifax Holiday Inn. 


Twenty-five evangelical Christians from at least six denominations agreed to form an explicitly Christian Pro-Life group in the metro area under the name “Christians Concerned For Life.”  The Christian commitment of the group is guarded by a statement of faith borrowed from the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. 


“The aim of Christians Concerned For Life is by prayer, education and provision of alternatives for those in crisis pregnancy situations, to work toward the elimination of abortions in our land.  Recognizing the Bible’s teaching that human life is to be protected from conception to natural death, the members are committed to obedience to God’s command to care for the weak.”


But why start a new group for this purpose when there are already established pro-life organizations?  Indeed, it expects to cooperate with other pro-life groups both in the Halifax area and across Canada.  However, its members hope that a separate and explicitly evangelical Christian group will mobilize many Bible-believing protestants who for various reasons may not have been attracted to presently existing pro-life organizations.  


“Further, Christians Concerned For Life sees the need for an explicitly Christian group here because in the end the only firm basis for any moral choice is God’s teaching. 


“Science makes it very plain that the embryo in the womb is from the earliest stages a living human individual – but science cannot tell us that it is wrong to kill any person.  God does.   Recognition of God’s authority is therefore a critical basis for maintaining real justice.” 

(Reprinted from  The Chronicle-Herald, January 26, 1985)