Prayers for Life, a spiritual arm of the pro-life movement, has been active for the past four years in the Toronto area. Our purpose is to encourage people to pray for greater reverence for life and for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all pro-life activities.
For the past several months, there has been at least one Mass (and often two or three) offered each week for these intentions at various churches in the Archdiocese. Some of our members attend the Masses and distribute prayer cards with the hope that people will say the prayer (shown below) every day. Notices of these Masses appear regularly on the Toronto page of The Catholic Register.
Also, since last summer, there has been a Rosary Hour on Sunday evenings when the 15 decades are recited, each one followed by a pro-life prayer. This Rosary Hour is held at St. Basil’s Church, 50 St. Joseph Street, Toronto, every Sunday at 8:15 p.m.
The latest development in this spiritual crusade occurred in January of this year when Prayers for Life – Ecumenical held its first Interdenominational Prayer Meeting. These prayer Meetings will be held regularly on the third Tuesday of each month at 8:00 p.m. at the Church of the Redeemer, Bloor and Avenue Road.
If you feel, as we do, that prayer is vital for the success of the pro-life movement, please join us in this Crusade of prayer for respect for life. You are most welcome to attend any of the spiritual activities mentioned above. You are also encouraged to initiate a program in your own Church, if possible.
Prayer for respect for life
Almighty Father, Lord and Giver of all
Life, You created man and woman in
Your own image and likeness. It is Your
Will that not even the weakest among us
should perish. In Your love for us, You
entrusted Your only son to the Holy Virgin Mary.
Now, in Your love, protect from human and diabolical evil
those little ones to whom You have given the Gift of Life.
We make this prayer through Christ Our Lord.
For further information please call Theo Pillo at 239-3813 or Cathy Mahon at 630-4520, or write to Prayers for Life, 4 Sevenoaks Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M8Z 3P7