Mr. Frank Shoofy, the lawyer who had volunteered to work free of charge to assist boxer Reggie Chartrand in his court action against the Morgentaler abortion clinic, was gunned down as he let his office after working late, on the night of October 15. His body was found in the corridor, outside his office door, by the cleaner, at about 11 p.m.; he had been shot five times and was dead when discovered.

His death came as a terrible shock to Montreal’s pro-lifers, who had felt that with Mr. Shoofy, one of Quebec’s most famous and successful lawyers, at work, a victory was just about certain.

The police say they have no leads to follow in their investigation of the killing. Mr. Shoofy was a man who would seem to have no enemies. He was a champion of the underdog, a friend of ethnic organizations, amateur sports clubs, and similar groups. His donation of his services for pro-life work was a typical act of his readiness to assist any worthy cause.

Another lawyer takes over the Shoofy brief

Reggie Chartrand’s action against Morgentaler’s ‘clinic’ still goes on, despite the assignation of his lawyer. Mr. Claude Archambeault, a prominent Montreal lawyer, has offered his services, and has taken over the Shoofy brief. A third lawyer, Mr. Alexandre Khouzam, is assisting Mr. Archambeault. Mr. Khouzam is also doing legal research to develop other approaches to correcting Quebec’s illegal abortion problem.

Reggie Chartrand asks us to convey his sincere thanks to those readers of Interim who have sent donations to his legal expenses fund. The address of the fund, for those who wish to contribute, is Foundation “Combat Pour La Vie”, Box 665, Station Jean Talon, St. Leonard, Que. H1S 2Z5.

“The Silent Scream” shown on Montreal TV channel

Lucille Lavoie-Gordon, president of Coalition for Life, Quebec, hosts a weekly show, “La Femme at La Liberté”, on Community TV, Channel 9, Montreal. Her show deals with many problems women encounter as a result of the changing social climate. During the past year she has had on her show many experts in the various fields in which women may need help, and her show is watched by a large audience.

The programme has always been helpful, rather than controversial, until Nov. 6, when Lucille startled her audience y showing “The silent Scream.”  That brought yelps of pain from the pro-abortionists. The yelps will likely increase in volume, as during the next two weeks, the show will be devoted to discussion of the abortion issue.

Young Christian athlete wants to run for life

How does one set about planning a cross-Canada run to help the pro-life cause?

This was the question athlete Guy Rondeau asked when he phoned Montreal Pro-Life. Guy has just recently become conscious of the abortion issue as a result of a pro-life presentation at his church, and he is appalled by the thought that many Christians believe they can ignore this evil in their midst. He wants to do something about it, something that will make Christians wake up to the enormity of what is happening.

He proposes to do a coast-to-coast run, such as the Terry Fox and Steve Fonyo runs, to raise funds, to proclaim his Christian commitment, and to get other young Protestant Christians to ask themselves are they really doing what Christians should be doing if they continue to ignore this issue.

Guy would like to start running by about the beginning of April. He is looking for advice, for expertise, for people who will help him to build up the publicity. He is already in training. He is preparing to sell his hair-styling business.

This young man is very serious about his project. Can you help?

(ed. Any reader willing to help should write to Peter Hopkins c/o The Interim. We will forward all letters received.)