SCARBOROUGH- Refining tactics for the next federal election is a top priority for Campaign Life Coalition according to delegates at CLC’s national strategy meeting in November 15-17 in Scarborough.

Nearly 70 delegates from across the country gathered to discuss priorities and concerns during the three-day meeting.

With talk of a federal election in the wind, delegates shared ideas on making protection of the unborn a prominent campaign issue. One way of realizing this goal is to recruit pro-life representatives in each of the federal constituencies across Canada.

Delegates are also considering an upcoming national strategy meeting dedicated strictly to the federal election.

Other items discussed at the meeting included new reproductive technologies, networking, political lobbying, current court cases involving protection for unborn children, and international pro-life, pro-family issues.

CLC national vice-president Mary Ellen Douglas of Kingston, Ontario said the meeting was especially useful in light of the abundance of pro-life issues now before the public.

“The number of issues we have to deal with has become practically overwhelming,” Douglas said. “It’s important that we have these forums to establish priorities and share information and ideas.”

Douglas also said the social element in the national strategy meetings is an important means of building morale, particularly as pro-lifers respond to the increasing number of threats to the unborn and family life in Canada.

Part of the meeting included a vigil for pro-life political prisoner Linda Gibbons as the Metro West Detention Centre. About 50 people gathered outside the prison November 15 to show support for Gibbons. She has served a number of jail sentences for ignoring the permanent injection against pro-life witnessing at abortion clinics.