The struggle against legalized child killing is “the pivotal war, battlefront and flashpoint of our time,” Randall A. Terry, 29, told a breakfast meeting of 50 pastors and priests in Toronto January 7.

An Evangelical layman from Binghamton, N.Y., Terry is the National Director of Operation Rescue.  He was in Toronto to encourage pro-life clergy and laypeople to lead massive but peaceful uprisings to end abortion, said Gary Sweetman of Campaign Life Coalition.

“If we don’t stop the killing western civilization as we know it will perish,” warned the author of Operation Rescue, written while imprisoned for one of over 25 actions to save children about to be killed.

Terry indicted pro-lifers for betraying their words by failing to act.  For too long, they haven’t behaved like pre-born children are being murdered by the millions, he said.  Thus, lawmakers and the public alike disregard the pro-life message.

“The rise of the rescue movement spells the end of legalized child killing in America and Canada,” Terry told The Interim.  As Christians in their thousands risk arrest by crowding the doors of abortuaries, the governments of our countries will be compelled to restore justice to the pre-born, he declared.

Afraid that such a day approaches, “the pro-aborts are fighting against us with the fierceness of a cornered animal,” he admitted.

Following the largest rescue to date, Mary 2-6, 1988, in New York City, in which police arrested more than 1,500 pro-life activists, the National Organization of Women (NOW) successfully brought a $50,000 civil suit against Randall Terry and Operation Rescue.

“Because the judge told them that they can disperse the money among abortionists, I’m absolutely refusing to pay money to NOW and to child killers,” said a defiant Terry.  He plans to return to New York during the International Day Days of Rescue, January 12-14, to save babies and to send a message to this judge that we will not be intimidated into cooperation with the child killers.

With the rise of Operation Rescue in the past year, Randall Terry and other Protestant Evangelicals have for the first time assumed positions of leadership in U.S. pro-life activism.  They have given it a new militancy.   No longer can the pro0-aboriton media attach the label “Catholic” to the pro-life movement.

Terry himself applauds the providential arrival of Protestant Evangelicals to the pro-life battlefield.  “One thing the rescue movement has done,” he noted, “is forged a deep bond between many brothers and sisters in Christ from various religious backgrounds.