Janet Morana, of Priests for Life and Silent No More, will be the keynote speaker at the dinner at the National Conference April 4th.

Janet Morana, of Priests for Life and Silent No More, will be the keynote speaker at the dinner at the National Conference April 4th.

Campaign Life Coalition has announced it will hold a national conference, Every Human Being Deserves Equal Protection, April 4 – 5, at the Woodbine Banquet and Convention Hall in Toronto.

The keynote speakers will be Janet Morana, executive director of Priests for Life and author of Recall Abortion, and Rebecca Kiessling, who will share her personal testimony of being conceived in rape. Morana will be the Friday night banquet speaker and Kiessling will speak Saturday afternoon.

Other speakers include Alex Schadenberg, executive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, who will provide an update on various court cases and Quebec’s Bill 52; Rev. Elmer Manzo and Fr. Paul Nicholson, who will give a spiritual talk; Dan Zeidler, president of the Family Life Council and the U.S. representative for the Latin American Alliance for the Family, who has worked on life and family issues in Latin America for four decades; John-Henry Westen, editor of LifeSiteNews; Alissa Golob of Campaign Life Coalition Youth; and Tom Wappel, a former MP, who will lead political training session that will feature CLC’s Jeff Gunnarson.

CLC national president Jim Hughes said the organizing committee has assembled “an all-star roster of speakers” to inspire and inform attendees. Hughes said he hopes Canadian pro-lifers will consider attending because there will be a “wide variety of topics addressed by exemplary speakers.”