Justin Trudeau

Justin Trudeau

Resolutions that the Liberal Party of Canada will consider at their biennial convention in Montreal Feb. 20-23 include endorsing the legalization of euthanasia and prostitution.

The Liberal Party website says, “this convention will be a key milestone on the road to the next federal election in 2015,” because “delegates will vote to adopt the policy resolutions that will inspire our next electoral platform.” The resolutions have been put forth in part by a new online policy development process that was open to all Canadians, not just party members.

A resolution calling for the party to endorse legalization of prostitution was put forth by the Young Liberals in B.C. in 2013 and was adopted by the provincial branch of the federal Liberals. It states prostitutes need to be “legally able to secure all materials and spaces to run a safe and successful business.” The resolution was submitted prior to the Supreme Court’s Dec. 20 decision throwing out the Criminal Code restrictions on prostitution.

Following the Court’s decision, Liberal leader Justin Trudeau called for a “responsible, informed debate” on how Parliament should respond to the justices throwing out the existing Criminal Code restrictions.

The prostitution resolution may not make it out of plenary session for consideration by the full convention.

However, the resolution on legalizing euthanasia and assisted-suicide which was put forward by the Young Liberals of Canada has been tagged as a priority, which means it must be debated by all delegates at the convention.

The Supreme Court of Canada said in January they will hear an appeal of the Taylor case which could overturn the 1994 Rodriguez precedent upholding Canada’s prohibition of assisted-suicide. The National Post reported that Trudeau spokeswoman Kate Purchase said that because the issue is before the Supreme Court, “it would be inappropriate to prejudge the outcomes,” and that the Liberal leader will “await their guidance.”

At an event at Ryerson University in Toronto last Fall, Trudeau indicated he did not want to discuss euthanasia until palliative care was improved in Canada. In 2010, he was not present for the vote on C-384, a private member’s bill that would have legalized euthanasia and assisted-suicide.

The Toronto Sun reported that federal Justice Minister Peter MacKay said, “I find it, frankly, passing strange that the focus of the Liberal Party and Mr. Trudeau seems to be on legalizing drugs and legalizing prostitution.”

Campaign Life Coalition national president Jim Hughes wonders about Trudeau’s priorities. Hughes told The Interim said it is “odd that Trudeau, a self-professed Roman Catholic, who talks about reaching out to the middle class, is embracing an extreme socially liberal agenda of abortion and marijuana decriminalization, and now his party is thinking of legalizing prostitution and euthanasia.”

Hughes said while the party’s policies are important, CLC is keeping a close eye on the candidate nomination meetings. He said CLC is working with supporters to help elect pro-life Liberals, but is worried that Trudeau, like Jean Chretien in the 1990s, will block pro-lifers from winning nominations.