July 1985

Premier Peterson, speaking in the Ontario Legislature, confirms that the new Liberal/NDP government will seek “methods of having fair and even access across the province for regularly constituted abortion clinics.”

Verbal violence of the media (Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, television and radio) against pro-life picketers continues to accelerate (“Anti-choice fanatics…”, anti-choice extremists…”, dangerous lunatic fringe…”, Pro-life terrorists…”, deranged minority…”, embryo fetishists…”, “semi-fascist fanatics…”).

August 1985

In a press conference, Attorney General Ian Scott dramatically reinforces accusations against pro-life picketers.  He produces letters from Norma Scarborough, president of Canadian Abortion Rights Action League (CARAL), and Roman Catholic Cardinal Carter, calling for limits on picketers at Morgentaler’s Harbord Street abortuary to five at a time.  (Scarborough, of course, has nothing to lose in joining with the Cardinal in this demand, since the pro-abortionists have never picketed the Toronto abortuaries.)

September 1985

Ontario pro-lifers rally in Toronto.  Estimated attendance (conservative) is 20,000 people (from Toronto and 79 towns outside, coming in over 300 buses).

Judge A.K. Meen, in the trial of 14 pro-life defendants, describes abortion as “murder.”  He agrees with defense witnesses that life begins at conception.  He notes that anomaly of police protection enabling a clinic to perform “abortions openly, blatantly, and outside of the law.”  October 1985.

The Ontario Supreme Court of Appeal in a unanimous decision, sets aside Morgentaler’s acquittal by jury (November 1984).  Says the Court, “…the errors at trial were so fundamental that there has been no trial according to law.”

The Attorney General announces he will not close the Morgentaler clinic.  According to him it cannot be closed because (in July 1083), a judge was supposed to have refused a request for bail conditions.

In reality, the judge had stated that (at that time) it could not be automatically assumed that Morgentaler intended to break the law.  (Morgentaler had, in fact, temporarily closed his then recently-opened abortuary).  The same judge explicitly added that if Morgentaler and associates did continue to break the law, “I would detain them by a simple straight forward detention order.”

Later in October, Premier Peterson silenced the one Ontario cabinet minister and only member of the 52-member Liberal caucus to speak out against abortion.  MPP John Sweeny (Kitchener-Waterloo) had said that he and “most law-abiding citizens were offended” by Morgentaler being allowed to break the law with impunity.

Meanwhile, Elinor Caplin (Toronto0Oriole), Liberal Caucus Chairman, demanded greater availability of abortion.

Peterson told his cabinet, “I want everyone on side of this – the position is that we abhor the clinic but there’s nothing we can do to shut it.”

Also that month, Attorney General Ian Scott gave one million dollars to LEAF (Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund) to fund court challenges to the equality sections of the Charter of Rights.  LEAF favours the right to abortion and “choice of lifestyle.”

November 1985

Social Services Minister, John Sweeny, in a Toronto Star interview, declares “:I have no political objection to the present federal law, in which abortion is permitted…I don’t know why I am labeled the great anti-abortionist.”

Labour Minister Bill Wrye (Windsor-Sandwich) announced that the Liberal government is considering outlawing “discrimination against “sexual orientation.”  He acknowledged that the measure may be “controversial.”

An administrative order has already been issued to the Children’s Aid Societies prohibiting “discrimination” against homosexuals for the purpose of adoption.

December 1985

Judge Lorenzo di Cecco, hearing the case of the three clergymen arrested and charged following their individual action in padlocking the gates of the Harbord Street abortuary, states that the abortion clinics is being kept open “for one purpose…to flout the law.”

December 8, 1985

This day completes one year of picketing 85 Harbord Street.  600 people picket during the day; 30 “sit-in” at the Premier’s office.

December 12, 1985

Murray Elston (Huron-Bruce), Minister of Health, acknowledged in the legislature that he granted Morgentaler an OHIP billing number in July for “medical procedures carried out in accordance with the provincial insurance plan,” including “gynaecological testing and abortion counseling.”

January 1986

Attorney General Ian Scott appointed feminist and right-to-abortion promoter Doris Anderson to the Ontario Judicial Council.

Those seeking abortion in Northern Ontario may now charge travel costs to OHIP.

February 1986

The three clergymen are acquitted of the “mischief” charge.  Stated Judge di Cecco, “…a citizen has still the right to take reasonable steps to prevent the commission of an indictable offence…The Court has no hesitation to state that the actions of the occupants of 85 Harbord Street constitute a prima facie case of a violation of Section 251 of the Criminal Code.

Attorney General Scott repeats his “no bail” conditions can be set – there is nothing we can do” argument.

Health Minister Murray Elston accuses striking doctors in Sarnia of endangering the health of women seeking abortions.  (This charge would seem to imply that pregnancy is a disease.)  The Minister’s “outrage” echoes that of the NDP’s Bob Rae and the Toronto media feminists.

March 1986

Dr. Nikki Colodny starts work in the Morgentaler “clinic.”  Provincial authorities take no action against this new abortionist.

May 21986

Ontario’s Liberal government allows NDP member Evelyn Gigantes to slip in a resolution at Justice Committee hearings prohibiting so-called discrimination against “sexual orientation.”

Throughout Canada, pickets appear in front of hospitals to commemorate the 17th anniversary of the “legislation” of abortions by the federal government of P.E. Trudeau (In Toronto alone, they picketed 19 hospitals.)